Ministry Team

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Ministry Team
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Pastors, Kent & Renee Hayes has broken the

stereotype of yesterday's

(minister,clergyman,preacher ) They are  leaders of

a new breed of ministers who embrace the idea of

 capitalizing on the ever increasing market place of

the internet and technological innovations to spread

 the unadulterated gospel of Jesus with boldness.

 They are known for teaching God's word in a fresh

practical and revelatory way that always unveil


They are dedicated to creating and providing

 programs, resources and services to help the less

 fortunate. They are resolutely committed to

unconditional outreach and leads the cultural

diverse congregation of Highest Praise Church of

Irving with Integrity and Excellence.

Members are challenged to live at the next level

 through Pastors, Kent & Renee Hayes brilliant

illumination of the word of God and Dynamic 


Pastor, Kent Hayes is privileged and honored to be

married to First Lady, Renee Hayes who has earned

her Bachelors degree from Dallas Baptist University

 and has earned her  Masters Degree, she works

for Irving Independent School district and is the

youth pastor/ Co- Pastor and they have 3 of God's

Wonderful, Awesome, and Adorable son's

Christopher, Cameron, and Cayden,whom they

dearly love.

Mrs. Brenda G. Green , Elder.

Seasoned woman of God, mother of five children whom she
groomed in the church, but had to find there own way, but it
didn't keep her from her own personal relationship with the
Lord. Elder, Green is the associate pastor of Highest Praise
Church of Irving. She teaches Bible Study during mid-week
and Sunday School, and also she get's many opportunities
to minister during Sunday morning worship.
To sum her up, She is a woman who love the Lord!
and don't mind praising Him.
