Contact / GIVE

Mission/ Vision
Ministry Team
Contact/ GIVE

Contact us if you ever have any concerns that need to be brought to our attention,You are always welcome to come and worship with us at:

Highest Praise Church Of Irving
"Come as you are, You won't stay as you are!"

we can be reached by phone 214-664-2700 also by :

Facebook/ Highest Praise Church of Irving

Twitter/ HPCof Irving

Main Campus:

Highest Praise Church of Irving
1548 E. Shady Grove rd.
Irving , Tx 75060

Office Hours :

Call to setup an appointment

or send a message via facebook.

2 Corinthians 9:7 AMP- Let each one give (thoughtfully and with purpose)just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver(and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift.)

If your interested in Sowing a seed gift into this ministry, we would

receive them whole heartedly, It would be used for the very purpose of

ministry reaching as many lost souls as we can with the Gospel of

Jesus Christ.

Let us thank you in advance for any and all of your contributions.

Ways of contributing are many, when you are apart of one of our

worship services you can hand deliver your seed gift, also you can

mail it in to our P.O Box 154976, Irving, Tx 75015 , you are able to

also go to our website and make a secure seed gift there. :